Just stop buying shit
It's that simple. A day long boycott is great, but what will actually make republicans look up is a recession. How do we make that happen?
Just stop buying shit.
Seriously. Cut all nonessential spending. Food, healthcare, gas for your commute are all obviously necessary, but any consumer good that you can cut needs to be cut.
Is it fun? No. But lets be real -- consumerism isn't making us happier anyway. Most of the crap the ALL OF US buy isn't increasing our quality of life. This is assuming you are somewhat financially stable -- if you're struggling then of course you do what you can.
Want new pants? Thrift them instead of going to the mall.
Get takeout or coffee every morning? Consider meal prepping or buying a European coffee machine.
Kid's birthday? Buy the presents in advance from outside the country (Temu/Aliexpress).
Shopping is a hobby? Get into craigslist.
Bored on a weekend? Your local library probably has books (for e-reader too!), TV, movies, games -- it's probably worth a trip irrespective of any boycotts.
Every bit counts, all within your ability. If you have "disposable income" and you are not struggling financially there is no excuse for shopping at Walmart/Amazon/Target in 2025.
If you really want to shop online, go directly to the retailer's webpage and order there in order to avoid Amazon. Do the research to prioritize South American/European/Asian brands.
All of these suggestions are things I have already committed to for as long as fascism is winning. I plan on spending as little as humanly possible on goods made in the USA until democracy prevails.
Just stop buying shit.