UPDATE: AITA for kicking my brother and his pregnant girlfriend out of my house?

Hello! I never thought I'd write an update to my previous story. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this morning to find so many responses, and I want to say thank you to everyone who bothered to read my long post and respond kindly to it.

Last night, both my husband and I actually read everyone's responses together. He said that he's thankful for the supportive messages, and he even blushed a little at the comments calling him a saint. It was cute. Don't tell him I told you guys about it. Also, I tried to reply to everyone, but I gave up after an hour because I didn’t really have enough brainpower or finger capacity to do that.

I wrote update in the title, but a big portion of this post will be explanations so to do that, I want to respond to a few questions I encountered a lot in my previous post:

  1. Did I get my car back?

He never took my car. My sister did. She took it out and drove it to a motel, so my car is safe and sound in my garage.

  1. Why did I let him into my house?

Honestly, I'm not really close to my family if we go by asian family standard. You can guess why. I also attended a boarding high school, so I had already moved out by then. During all my college years, I can count on one hand how many times I came home, only during new year for less than a week each time. During semester breaks, I'd look for part-time jobs just to avoid going home. I also kept very limited contact, and during those times, I only knew him as a spoiled brat, a mama’s boy. He never made any remarks against me or did anything out of line before. I believe, after my father, he’s the most wary of me since I was the one who scolded and forced him to apologize to either our mother or oldest sister multiple times after our father passed.

That’s why I never expected him to do or say something so outrageous. He also got good grades from a respectable college, so I assumed he’d get a job in no time.

Prior to my mother asking me to let him stay, she actually asked me to fund his wedding. Snowball’s chance in hell. Even when she said it didn’t need to be a big one, still hell no. It'll be easier to split her hair into seven different parts than making me pay for it. That’s why I compromised to avoid a long, dragging series of nagging and grumbling by letting him stay until he got a job. That’s one of the biggest missteps I made.

  1. Why did I agree to pay his tuition? Why did I let him take my share of the inheritance?

I didn’t exactly pay for his tuition. As I’ve mentioned, our father left an inheritance. I told my mother to use my share to pay my brother's tuition. My thought process at that time was that she'd ask for something in return if I ever touched that money, so I’d rather not. If she thinks sending us to school is transactional, then I assumed everything else would be, too. I never considered that money mine, so no loss for me.

However, I actually needed to avoid her for a few months after my brother got into college because the inheritance was intended to fund our weddings in the future. She gave in rather quickly after I went MIA, though.

I did sit him down, made him apologize and promised he’d pay it back to our oldest sister after he failed his businesses. But it wasn’t my place to forgive or scold him because I had consented to my mother (which equals him, I guess) using my share. Thinking about it, I should’ve at least hold him for my sister to slap.

  1. Why does my husband, as some of you put it, have no spine?

Excuse you? My husband’s got titanium in his spine. Literally and figuratively. Kidding. I know I didn’t add much regarding that matter because I was too focused on what happened prior to and during the height of the problem, not so much the aftermath nor my husband's perspective because in my mind, my post was about what I did to them and the motivation behind it.

I actually asked him right after that dinner if he really did say nothing and why he didn’t tell me that those toilet lid covers had been insulting him. He was pretty offended that I believed my brother and his girlfriend when they said he didn’t respond at all. Nah, he told them off once during New Year when I was on call (yes, life sucks). He said something along the lines of, bro I'm still richer than you even when we’re both unemployed. I’ve got a doctor for a wife who proposed to me when I could do nothing but blinks. My life is fine. Just get a job. Rephrased by yours truly because he couldn't remember how he worded it.

He said he was laughing when he said this, so maybe that’s why my brother didn’t take him seriously but it might still hurt my brother and that was why he said those thing during dinner. But honestly, when I imagine my husband talking like that, it looks scary. Laughing just makes it worse. Kind of hot, though, but that’s TMI.

As to why he didn’t tell me, he didn’t take it to heart and was too lazy to bring it up. He mentioned that it’s still kind of difficult for him to pronounce a lot of words. He compared my brother and his girlfriend’s comments to the husky’s howls next door (very handsome dog, by the way), it's already in their nature so why bother? I did tell him to let me know next time someone disrespects him, though. So that I can finally put the taekwondo skill I gathered during my elementary school years to use. I only got to yellow belt though, so don't expect much.

I do think he’s happier about what I did than he lets on, though. Don't ask me why.

  1. Why am I enabling him?

Like I said in one of my replies, I did think about it, and I think me avoiding my family as much as possible can be considered enabling him. In my defense, I’m not his parent, so it’s not my job to parent him, but I do take accountability for not whacking him enough growing up. That’s probably why he’s got some screws loose.

That's the end of Q&A session that I made myself.

Now, it’s only been a week since CNY, and not much has happened. The most notable thing would be, I’ve got my brother and mother blocked on both my and my husband’s phones (with consent, of course) after she tried to contact him separately yesterday, asking about the room we intended to renovate (the renovation is still happening because he already contacted his parents, but there are other people who probably need and deserve it, so he’ll just rent it out to someone else later). I just blocked her in his phone without replying when he told me about it. He actually kept asking if it’s really okay to cut off my family completely like that while reassuring me that he’s okay and not affected in the slightest every time this topic is being brought up.

That’s why I was second-guessing myself. But fret not. With the power of the Great Wall of China my husband’s ancestors built and the Turtle Ship my ancestors built, I’ve already guarded my mind, heart, and soul to never backpedal on my decision. I’ll just think of both my mother and brother as that strand of hair you find on your butt. It’s there, but you don’t need it. It’ll feel even better after plucking it.

I don’t know anything else about my brother and his girlfriend because I never bothered to ask during my calls with my sister. But like some of you said, not my problem anymore. I did hear my mother called my boy crazy because I prioritized my husband over my family, but I mean, I'm her daughter so you can probably guess where I got it from.

We had lots of conversations after reading my previous post and discussed a lot of things from each other’s perspectives throughout our relationship. I also apologized once again and asked him if he ever thought of leaving me after the whole fiasco, which I admit really sucked for him.

He asked me in return if I remembered telling him to just get fat after proposing to him with a ring that was too big because I bought one the same size as our couple ring (Asian thing, some of us are sappy like that, don’t judge me) a few days after he woke up. He said, if I took a step forward to stay with him when he could do absolutely nothing, why would he even think of leaving me when I did everything in my power to stand by him now. I might make mistakes, and it might seem like it’s not enough for others, but it’s more than enough for him. We can always fix it and like how he ate a lot throughout his recovery so his finger can fit that ring, he'll pick up my slack. So, what’s the problem?

I bawled and am currently taking sick leave because my eyes are super swollen. Thanks for reading.

Lol, kidding, not yet, people. I know I talk too much, but the last thing I want to say is I hope everyone who finds themselves in a similar situation knows that it’s normal to feel like it’s difficult to stand up for yourself. It’s okay if it takes some time. Navigating difficult situations isn’t exactly a walk in the park, and if you decide to go through it, that act of navigating and standing up for yourself is what will be added to your value as a human being. You made a mistake, managed to fix it, and learned from it. It’s easier said than done, and that’s why it’s something to be proud of. So keep your chin up and hang in there!

Now for real, thanks for reading! I hope you guys have a great year ahead of you.