AITA for only wanting childless friends?

I (29F) am childless by choice and have never wanted to mother children. I’ve even gone as far as having a medical procedure to ensure that I do not become pregnant. As an educator, I work with children and do so very well. I love kids, I just don’t want them of my own (biologically or otherwise). Because I work with kids in such a vast capacity, I truly do not want to be around them outside of work— especially on the weekends. I don’t hate kids, I simply find them exhausting and I truly do not agree with how most people parent their children so I’d rather just not be around them. Recently I’ve been trying to find some new friends as I’ve not made many since moving to a new city a few years ago. I’ve met a couple of people who I’ve vibed with but I didn’t want to peruse friendship with them because they have kid(s). My husband thinks I’m an AH for this but I truly just want to do things without having to deal with the burden of parents (canceling at the last minute bc there’s no childcare, constantly complaining about their kids, asking to only go to kid friendly places, bringing unnecessary germs around, etc). I know this boundary will probably make it difficult to make friends but does it actually make me an AH?!