Vent: Got injured with 3 weeks left until race. Feeling devastated.
Just clarifying for mods that I’m NOT SEEKING MEDICAL ADVICE. Simply venting and would love to hear any positive words from other runners who’ve experienced this. I’m currently 3 weeks out from a race and coming to terms that I likely won’t be able to make it to the start line. I had an AMAZING training block. I was feeling so confident, my mileage build was going great, everything. Then last week I went out for a recovery run post long run and everything in my body was telling me to stop. I hobbled back home after a few miles and knew that someone wasn’t quite right. Woke up the next day with lower hamstring/it band/back of knee pain that I’ve never felt before. I took the entire week off, only doing some light cross training. Felt iffy but by Friday I thought I would test it out. Not good. It became difficult to even straighten my leg. I’m trying to get into the doctor asap and in the mean time I’m just gonna take complete full rest and see how it feels. But waking up today I kinda faced the reality that it’s very likely this won’t be fully healed up in 3 weeks time. I’m feeling totally gutted. I spent the last 4 months of my life dedicating so much of my time to this and now I can’t even enjoy the good part. I’m trying not to catastrophize but feeling pretty bummed. Again, not asking for medical advice. Just discussing the reality of the sport which is that injuries are simply inevitable and when they happen, it fucking sucks.