Been in the ER for 20 hours.

I have spent nearly twenty hours in the ER after my husband fell last night. I thought he was sober. We just bought a house, we are trying to start a family, he was doing so well, or so I thought. He called me downstairs at 2 AM and he was sobbing on the kitchen floor begging me not to leave him. He was drunk and had fallen and couldn't get up. I had to call an ambulance. He's super morbidly obese on top of being an alcoholic, so it took four paramedics to get him into the ambulance, ass naked. He told me while waiting for the ambulance he's been drinking a 1.75 every other day for a month, despite promising me and gaslighting me about his sobriety. At the ER they sedated him, but he stopped breathing while I was in the room. They got him breathing again but it was the scariest thing I have ever seen. We got transported to another hospital that can handle bariatric cases and it turns out he dislocated his knee, broke the bone, and damaged an artery, so blood wasn't flowing to his foot. He's been in surgery for seven hours at this point. I've been awake since 2 AM and just want to hear that he's okay so I can go home. I'm exhausted. I'm dirty, I'm hungry. I'm so angry. I'm so scared.