AITA for not fighting a drunk?
So tonight at a bar, out on the patio me and my gf and my friend recently out of surgery were sitting down.
a younger 20s guy stranger comes over and asks us to dance off for his tiktok or friends video.
We my 3 friends say no. But they keep asking and we say no 3 more times, explain why and say we are good thanks.
Next guy from there group comes over now im sitting down and have 3 strangers behind me asking us or me agressively to do this for them.
I feeling uncomfortable get up turn around and sit back down to face them and figure how to get out of the situation.
We say no again, so a new guy who is drunk takes it personal says words to the effect of... in this day and age we are just trying to be positive spread positivity and how i should just do what they say... in so many words.
This is all agressive and i decline more forcefully and say i didnt go over and ask them for anything. im good, bye.
Now new guy gets agressive we me only and starts acting like he has beef with me he is seriously drunk and gets told by many people to not act that way.
i stay silent let him walk away and then say ok to my friends, im done. im out, and i start to leave.
Bar guy comes over asks me whats wrong i say guys drunk and agressive then i leave. no police. no bouncer. no fucking issue im gone idgaf.
Heres the real issue, on tje drive home gf says i handled it wrong. Says i was being too be agressive and that i could have done better.
Am i the asshole for getting acousted by a group of drunks, not doing what they asked, then getting higher aggression and possible violence from one of them?
How can i word it so my gf understands the situation i was in or the manner how i dealt with it?
How would you deal with this?
Am i wrong for being defensive to drunk strangers?
In her eyes i am wrong and its inferirating.