Constant nocturnal emisson

Hi , I feel weird asking reddit this question , but I am not sure who else to ask, i have been a issue with wet dreams , I will start by saying I am 17 , and anyone whom I ask says it's normal, and I am aware and grateful ny hormones are in working order , the problem is that it is chronic now , every night sometimes even three times or 4 times a night It just happens , I have no control , I tried alot of things, sleeping on my back, relaxing before bed ,hot shower, small meal , cooler room ,warmer room , wearing loose clothes , it constantly ruins my sleep , I have to wash my pants everyday it has a become a rountie and I am so mad and irritable because of my sleep quality , at first it had calming effect on my mood , but now just anger. I heard some advice to release it with intent during the day , the problem is due to personal and religious belief I can't and don't want to release it , I always tell my parents I release pee , but now they getting concerned I have health or blood issues to constantly "peeing". Male , 17 years old , studying