21f. Feeling unwell and don’t know what to do.

I’ve been bloated for at least the last 6 months (weirdly the only time it semi stops is whenever I’m on my period) and my cycles started to become more erratic. I had quite a stressful year so I just put it down to that and ignored it despite not being able to comfortably wear half of my wardrobe. About a month ago, I started getting this pain on and off in my abdomen (predominantly on the LRQ but sometimes on the left) as well as a pain in my back/chest. Previously I had been told I have costochondritis and I had taken a lot of measures to reduce my stress at this point so whilst I thought it was odd I kept trying to power through.

Fast forward to two weeks ago and I became really unwell - nausea, dizziness, constant LRQ pain, back pain, fever, frequent urination, constipation and lower rib pain. I went to the ER twice. The first time no one took me seriously because I have PCOS and they simply attributed it to that. But I developed a fever and started thinking it could be my appendix (one dr even mentioned I could have a rumbling appendix or similar which probably didn’t help my thoughts).

On my second trip to the ER after I really pushed they did an abdominal + pelvic ultrasound. Said everything looked good and my bloods came back fine for all major organs so to just take a laxative and I’d be fine - there was no point looking further because of my age. Scan pretty much showed faeces all over right side of abdomen. I finished the prescribed amount of laxatives and I pretty much still have all of the symptoms I started with. Plus the chest pains are worst and come in spasms.

I have no idea what to do next because every day I experience some level of discomfort. I pretty much had ongoing constipation as a child (for like 10 years) and no one ever tried to find out the root cause so I don’t know if that’s what’s causing my symptoms now.

I’m in the process of trying to go to my gp about this but it’s been so hard booking an appointment and all the waiting/unknowns are just making me anxious. I really need advice as I can’t live my life normally at the moment and this is affecting other things. Also how would I know if the chest pains are related or not as that is freaking me out too. TIA.