How do people afford nursing homes?

I've checked a few out in and around my locality and those near where family live.

One cost £1,500-2,350 / week!

I've another 30 years before hitting the current retirement age however that isn't the case for the parents or in-laws. Neither set I'd say are well off despite working throughout their adult lives and paying their dues.

Am I missing something here? How is this affordable?

Is it expected you'd sell up your estate to pay for this? What happens if there's not enough before the end?

Presuming you'd enter in your 80's after a fall or reaching the point where the round-the-clock care is needed, who's capable of funding that for more than a few weeks? A Bank won't step in, and as a mid-30's mortgage paying father of one and husband, I can't see how I'd support that financial outgoing as well?

Is the alternative just try to live in your own property and rely on daily council paid carers, who have at most 30 minutes per service user, until the end?

Bit of a downer question I know.