I don't get the Booming Blade doom posting

From what I understand, Booming Blade is a 1d8 damage rider cantrip that advances to 2d8 by level 10. The big news is that it can proc extra attack (like the Smite series spells), but doesn’t cost any spell slots or bonus actions (unlike the non-Divine Smite series spells). This appears to upset some players because it brings us to the “Boom Blade Meta” where all melee weapon fighters will want it because it’s a resourceless extra 1-2d8 extra damage per hit. 

What’s lost on me is how this is a problem? 

We’re looking at 9 average damage per hit on melee attacks, in a meta that’s dominated by:

  • Sorcerers shitting fire with damage riders over half of us don’t even bother going for as the enemies are already so fucking dead.
  • Clerics just walking around as enemies burst into a rainbow of colors that are also debuffed to ever-loving shit if they manage to survive.
  • Wizards shitting out 434823 (hyperbole) magic missiles that rival a Sorcerer’s flames and barely have a chance to choke up on immunities, resistances, or failed rolls.
  • Whatever the fuck “Chain Lighting” is.  
  • Bards putting all ranged martials to shame by shooting an inhumane amount of arrows per turn and then dishing out unsavable control spells on anything that survives. 
  • Open Hand Monks just being their disgusting little selves. 
  • And Throwers as the lowest bar of entry OP nonsense that trivializes the idea of "hit rates" and "positioning" as early as level 4.

It’s kind of ironic too, because one of the most egregious offenders of the “Booming Blade” meta are Paladin multiclasses. The “strongest” variant (PJ’s Bardadin) catches complaints from min-maxers that it isn’t OP enough, compared to the above options. I doubt 2d8 extra damage (even less because it’s single target, and bardic inspiration adds 1d10 if you want to nitpick) will be that great of a revolution for it. 

“But every single martial will want to be an Elf now b/c of Booming Blade!” 2d8 damage at level 10 vs Halfling Luck, Githyanki’s proficiencies, spells, and astral knowledge, and whatever Duegar does that has min-maxers excited. I think the Elves are just competitive now. Let them enjoy their slice of something until people realize how stupid and free Hexblade 1 is (tbh RIP the Gith). 

The final issue I can think of is players feeling compelled to take Booming Blade, even in their less min-maxed builds, simply because it is there. You are free to stop camp casting and robbing merchants, you know. Casting out of combat and applying oils, you don’t have to do it. The whole wet thing people like to tinker with, no one is forcing you to make things wet. And if you don’t do any of these things, then I think you have the self-control to not use Booming Blade in a way that upsets you.

So why not let martial builds pretend they're "big OP meta" for a little bit? Let returning players spice up their patch 8 run with the Booming Blade flavor on a build or two. I really don't get the dooming beyond the whole psychology of dnd purists clutching whatever principles they can in a game that's already breaking their rules. Booming Blade isn't OP.