Ollie guide
I have mastered Ollie and think I have a somewhat good understanding about how to play him now. Above you can see Ollies counters and matchups. The "with teammate" tiers mean that both teams have two or more players. If you are using the other gadget, Ollie has a much worse matchup against most brawlers, but hardcounters assasins and tanks if you have a teammmate.
Now lets get into the real guide.
Attack: Cone-shaped projectile divided into two "waves" (Buster and Sandy have three). He has a somewhat long attack similar to Sandy but slower and thinner. This lets him wallpeek, not as good as Buster and Sandy, but still good. Remember: it pierces.
Super: Charges i five hits. Ollie dashes forward a number of tiles. After two seconds he sends out a shockwave around him that hypnotises oppontents hit by it for 2.5 seconds and deals 1600 damage. Hypnotised opponents follow Ollie and cannot attack or do anything until the effect is over. When they are hypnotised, move towards your team to get them to attack the opponents. If you think you can get the kill by yourselves, don't go towards your team. You need that super charge. BUT, if you have for example a Surge on your team, NEVER attack the opponents if your teammate can do it instead. Other brawlers are the ones with gamechanging supers/hypercharges. NOTE: his super dash can be cancelled, and his shockwave will never happen. This puts Ollie in a very vulnerable position. But if his super doesn't get cancelled in time and the countdown until the blast begins, it might already be too late to knockback him, because the super will probably still hit.
Gadgets: Regulate. Ollie jumps a distance and where he lands, enemies get hypnotised for one second. Hypnotised enemies drop the ball in brawl ball, and this gadget can be used to score easy goals by bouncing the ball on the often placed walls besides the main wall infront of the goal. If you immediately jump over the main wall you get an easy goal. Really good. S tier.
All eyez on me!: Ollies next attack hypnotises enemies for one second. Can be used to give supercharge to your teammates and yourselves, and to defend your team from assasins. Problem is that it uses an ammo, and you don't get that close to hit your opponents that often. Good. A tier.
Starpowers: Kick, push: Ollie gets a 20% movement boost when next to a wall. Bad. D tier.
Renegade: After using his super, Ollie gets a 4000 hp shield that decays in 4 seconds. Ollie really needs that extra hp and this is perfect. Really good. S tier.
Recommend using Regulate and Renegade most of the time. All eyez on me can also be really good, but it is situational. Never use Kick, push.
Strategies and synergies: When using Ollie, you need a high/mid damage brawler on your team. If possible, that brawler should be as long ranged as possible, to be able to snipe hypnotised enemies from afar. Synergises really well with for example Bea. As said before, brawlers with important supers are also really good together with Ollie. GIVE THEM THEIR SUPERS!
How to super cycle: Attack before supering in, you will only need three attacks to get another super after that, which means another 4000 hp. You can also use all eyez on me to extend the duration of the hypnotise. Try to hit two players with your super or attack. If you hit two with your super, both of them are probably already sentenced to death because you can use two ammos and have another super. If you only hit one, try to hit them through the hypnotised enemy.
This was all that I could come up with, but I hope that it still will be helpfull.
I have mastered Ollie and think I have a somewhat good understanding about how to play him now. Above you can see Ollies counters and matchups. The "with teammate" tiers mean that both teams have two or more players. If you are using the other gadget, Ollie has a much worse matchup against most brawlers, but hardcounters assasins and tanks if you have a teammmate.
Now lets get into the real guide.
Attack: Cone-shaped projectile divided into two "waves" (Buster and Sandy have three). He has a somewhat long attack similar to Sandy but slower and thinner. This lets him wallpeek, not as good as Buster and Sandy, but still good. Remember: it pierces.
Super: Charges i five hits. Ollie dashes forward a number of tiles. After two seconds he sends out a shockwave around him that hypnotises oppontents hit by it for 2.5 seconds and deals 1600 damage. Hypnotised opponents follow Ollie and cannot attack or do anything until the effect is over. When they are hypnotised, move towards your team to get them to attack the opponents. If you think you can get the kill by yourselves, don't go towards your team. You need that super charge. BUT, if you have for example a Surge on your team, NEVER attack the opponents if your teammate can do it instead. Other brawlers are the ones with gamechanging supers/hypercharges. NOTE: his super dash can be cancelled, and his shockwave will never happen. This puts Ollie in a very vulnerable position. But if his super doesn't get cancelled in time and the countdown until the blast begins, it might already be too late to knockback him, because the super will probably still hit.
Gadgets: Regulate. Ollie jumps a distance and where he lands, enemies get hypnotised for one second. Hypnotised enemies drop the ball in brawl ball, and this gadget can be used to score easy goals by bouncing the ball on the often placed walls besides the main wall infront of the goal. If you immediately jump over the main wall you get an easy goal. Really good. S tier.
All eyez on me!: Ollies next attack hypnotises enemies for one second. Can be used to give supercharge to your teammates and yourselves, and to defend your team from assasins. Problem is that it uses an ammo, and you don't get that close to hit your opponents that often. Good. A tier.
Starpowers: Kick, push: Ollie gets a 20% movement boost when next to a wall. Bad. D tier.
Renegade: After using his super, Ollie gets a 4000 hp shield that decays in 4 seconds. Ollie really needs that extra hp and this is perfect. Really good. S tier.
Recommend using Regulate and Renegade most of the time. All eyez on me can also be really good, but it is situational. Never use Kick, push.
Strategies and synergies: When using Ollie, you need a high/mid damage brawler on your team. If possible, that brawler should be as long ranged as possible, to be able to snipe hypnotised enemies from afar. Synergises really well with for example Bea. As said before, brawlers with important supers are also really good together with Ollie. GIVE THEM THEIR SUPERS!
How to super cycle: Attack before supering in, you will only need three attacks to get another super after that, which means another 4000 hp. You can also use all eyez on me to extend the duration of the hypnotise. Try to hit two players with your super or attack. If you hit two with your super, both of them are probably already sentenced to death because you can use two ammos and have another super. If you only hit one, try to hit them through the hypnotised enemy.
This was all that I could come up with, but I hope that it still will be helpfull.