Hot Take: Hank Hypercharge turned out to be pretty overhyped
I tried out the recent Hank HC today by buying it with gems...and let me tell you: it did not make any drastic changes.
I mean, he surely is WAY better with it. The stat boost, the homing projectiles, the sheer dominance you get when it is overtime...I can confidently say that his niche is almost doubled now. His best mode is no longer Hotzone but Brawl Ball imo, he became a pretty good overtime brawler and defensive pick w. the super after the HC came. I also did not lose many games with him.
Well...the problem is, I think the charge rate for this HC is the main reason that makes it not as good as I hoped for. It takes almost a decade to charge it...probably more than any other tank in the game (except idk Bull?). I just end up getting steamrolled against tank counter comps in ladder before I get my HC, and it is pretty hard to get the HC under many circumstances.
Also, the cycling does not always work. When you cannot cycle the super, the HC basically becomes dogshit and you kind of sell the game. It is surely on the higher end of the HC spectrum but definitely lacking in many ways (primarily due to its charge rate).
Finally, Hank's counters in the meta are just as viable in this update, if not more due to the gadget rework. While I can confidently say that Hank's HC actually makes him okay against his squisher counters + marksman brawlers; brawlers such as Lou, Dyna, and Maisie are just as big of a nuisance (Maisie especially, fighting against a good Maisie in Brawl Ball feels unwinnable with Hank unless something in your team counters her hard). He is still pretty easy to counter.
Great HC + D Tier Brawler + Bad Charge Rate...I believe he is a high C tier pick atm. Better than the likes of Spike for sure imo, but this was not really his saving grace (unlike how it happened with Ash/Darryl/Frank). I can confidently say that his HC only works in really open maps/overtime and does not really work otherwise, so I think giving it a higher charge rate might be it.
TLDR: Hank HC is overrated, he is not meta at all and just went up from low D to high C tier.