The new level requirement at mythic restricts drafting significantly for non-maxed players

I understand they made this change to force randoms to play brawlers that were at least at an even playing field with opponents, but the largest problem is picking a brawler early into a draft to swap with a teammate.

I've played a few games of ranked with my friends, and we were locked out of many of our best options in drafting, because usually only one of us had a brawler maxed. For example, imagine the opponents actually gave us first pick Melodie in heist, but because my melodie was power 9, we couldn't pick melodie although both my teammates had power 11 melodie. After the change, we were able to lock in basically any brawler at any point in the draft, but now we only have about 30 picks among us.

I feel the main point of swapping brawlers for most players, at least mythic-legendary range was to allow their team to be able to play more brawlers without having to max out every single brawler. But with the new level requirements, swapping becomes essentially worthless unless you are more comfortable with a brawler than another.

I've read a few posts and no one really seems to be bringing this point up? It makes sense that if you are playing with at least 1 random, you shouldn't be able to throw by playing power 9 brawlers, but why restrict that for a full team?

My opinion for a solution? Just make power 9 brawlers selectable if you have a full team. If someone in a team wishes to pick a power 9 brawler, at least they probably agreed to the power 9 brawler.