I give up on this game
im fucking done with brawlhalla, id rather spend hours of my life on cs where I can actually have fun even when losing. You will be able to tell im salty but I have good reasons.
First why does it take so long to get better ? You've probably heard of people playing the game for 3+ years and still being stuck in gold.. Like what to get valhallan I have to play for 15 years ?
You might say "yeah but thats the point of a video game it takes time to get better at it" Well fuck that because brawlhalla might be the only combat platformer where it takes so fucking long to reach a normal level where you can actually enjoy playing.
Will I have a wife and kids by the time I'm valhallan ? Of course I know I wont be valhallan but thats the thing, the fun part about video games is leveling up and watching yourself get better. With brawlhalla theres none of that shit because essentially you keep the same level for years/months until you have that one breakthrough and to me its simply not worth the time.
To all you people that play mostly brawlhalla at the time I strongly recommend you get off and start another competitive game.
For me its gonna be fps games because the dopamine shoot is far better than the shit you get with brawlhalla. I dont know if there are people that exclusively play this game but if there are I think you should really go see a psychologist. Had to go on this little rant as my goodbye to this flash game that somehow people still play.
But I have to say watching the community and playerbase slowly die just fills my heart with love. I hope bmg go bankrupt and everyone realizes this game is at the lowest tiers of platformer combat games.
im not expecting people to beg for me to stay on the game, im curious to see if there are other people that have my opinion but still play the game because they enjoy torture.
goodbye brawlhalla hope you die faster.
update: contrary to predictions it didnt take me 1 week to reinstall but 1 night.. we are doomed