Novus Ordo question

Cradle Catholic here. Long story short, I went to Mass today for the first time in over a decade. Actually I went to a Latin mass a month ago but this was the first Novus Ordo in over a decade which is what I’m accustomed to.

Now to the point, I don’t recall the Mass being so singy songy? I know some parts are sung but it seems like majority of it was? Sorry, it’s been so long so I can’t remember what each part is called but the only part I remember that was sung was the Eucharistic prayer from when I was a kid. Apart from that, everything was spoken. Honestly, I find it a tad distracting. Is this how it would be in each and every parish? I’m in the UK if it matters. The Church I went to today also wasn’t the same parish I went to as a kid which is about 40 minutes away from me. I wonder if it’s different there now.

Edit: worded this terribly. Fixed. Hmm now after looking this up a bit, it seems like maybe what I’m accustomed to was a bit more modernised and what I experienced today was a bit more traditional. Maybe it was the guitar throwing me off lol. It’s going to take some getting used to I guess