The Susan hiking episode - Into The Woods: The Housewives at Their Absolute Worst??
I just finished watching Into The Woods (S3E21), and I have to say… were the housewives collectively at their WORST in this episode, or what?! Susan being completely stupid and unprepared for that hiking trip to look for Mike in a last-ditch effort to win him back. Oh my god that was like peak Susan annoyingness.
Gabby tearing up parking tickets because she’s dating the mayor?? I love her, but the way she abused her power was cringe.
Edie fighting for joint custody of Travers just to use him as bait to keep Carlos? I can’t decide if this is peak Edie chaos or just plain messed up. And then saying "what about what I need?" when confronted about it. How selfish can you get? My god.
Finally, Lynette admitting she had an emotional affair with Rick. Look, I GET IT—Tom was being a complete asshole this season. But c’mon, girl, draw some boundaries.
The lack of Bree was painfully apparent. I know Marcia Cross was on maternity leave, but wow, did this episode suffer without her. You just know that if Bree had been around, she would’ve been serving a perfectly composed brutal takedown of someone instead of… whatever this episode was.