An odd combat rule(?) my DM came up with

For context, we were in a cave, since we heard there was some nice treasure in there and we wanted it.

DM: You see an unusually small goblin, all on its own.

Rogue: Alright, easy enough. I’ll sneak attack it.


DM: Around twenty other goblins appear out of the shadows, noticing the goblin child’s corpse lying in front of the rogue. Roll for initiative.

(As soon as combat starts:)

DM: You notice that the goblins are exceptionally angry, mourning the loss of their dead child. Until the end of combat, all goblins attack with disadvantage, but all of the attacks that land are critical hits.

My DM dubbed this the “Reckless Abandon” combat rule. I don’t know if it’s an actual thing or not, but I thought it was cool.