Bummed out from all of the the negativity - what’s something you appreciate about DDV?
While everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I understand so many of the gripes for sure, I’m just getting down from seeing so many negative posts. I’m currently fighting a pretty serious diagnosis and I’m tired. While I’ve had to cut down on socializing, firing up my switch and seeing Merlin, Mulan, Belle, and yes, even Mike feels like I’m visiting with friends (or frenemies). The game loop is peaceful and helps me relax and shut off my anxiety- riddled brain for an hour or two.
I’d love to see some positive anecdotes, things you appreciate, funny or pretty screen grabs or dream snaps, anything that infuses some more positivity into the sub (and my day.)
Note: I want to reiterate any critiques are totally valid if they are your truth - and I’m not trying to stop anyone from using this platform to voice concerns. I’d just love to see some happy stuff too ❤️