Had to have emergency laparoscopic surgery.
Eh, kind of feeling vulnerable writing this but here we go. I’m 27 years old, no kids and three days ago I had to undergo an emergency laparoscopic surgery. I went to the hospital for routine bloodwork and I also decided to let my doctor know my period was taking longer than usual to leave. So under further evaluation my healthcare team discovered i had an accumulation of fluid in my abdomen from a ruptured fallopian tube. So then they called emergency services to zoom me half way across town for an emergency operation. Safe to say I was scared as heck! I went in to surgery at 1am, once I opened my eyes I was tucked into my hospital bed and the clock said 2:30am, so safe to say it was a quick procedure. Don’t remember much before they administered general anesthesia except for crying profusely. The thought of having to come to terms with having one fallopian tube in a few hours was dawning on me. This was all such a shock to me, I’m not too educated on any of the things mentioned, especially “keyhole surgery”. My doctor let me know that I can still conceive with my left fallopian tube and that I have nothing to worry about. I don’t know, this has honestly taken a toll on me mentally and I’m still trying to navigate all of this. I’m taking a break from school and work for a few weeks to focus on healing. The incisions aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be. They sort of look like liposuction holes? Any recommendations for scars? As I’m a brown skinned woman and I figure they’d be more noticeable. Has anyone else had to undergo this procedure? Honestly just looking for some kind of solace.