So tired of the expression "cooked" as a substitute for Fuck*d. Any particular modern expressions that hurt your GenX ears?
Just curious if anybody else has pet peeves about certain modern expressions. "Cooked" for some reason is bothering me WAY more than anything else. I just hear it so much.
On a side note, there's a few modern expressions that I actually like. My teenage kids (now in their early 20's), used to say "Say Less". While it's a pretty harsh thing to say to somebody when you really think about it, I actually like it in a snarky sort of way, lol.
"On God" is another one that I don't mind too much. Although it's way overused too.
EDIT: I just remembered the term "KING" and "Little KING" to describe short dudes. I've changed my mind. KING is the absolute worst, and like many other people have mentioned, you're almost driven to find the nearest cliff and take a flying leap every time you hear it