So wanting a cupboard

So wanting a cupboard

I don’t know why brooke was so against So getting a cupboard.. like its just a cupboard? it honestly does look like she needs more storage space, their rooms are so bare and white they have basically little to no furniture. if she needs more room to put her stuff in let her have it. Brooke even said she was more willing to buy Sa expensive hangbags over So’s $400 cabinet. broom is so controlling she doesnt even let her kids decorate their rooms, remember when she got rlly mad over Bi wanting to put up some lights in his room? I get she was mad abt it potentially ruining the walls but there was no need to be getting that angry to the point where your own husband and kids are scared of you. their whole house is just so plain and white it doesn’t even look like people live in it… its just so depressing. and whats up with her constant need for everything to be clean? she sees a spec of mess and goes crazy abt it. this is not healthy. its like she doesnt want her kids to express themselves. her constant need for the house to be the way she wants it to be would drive me insane if i was living in the same house as her.