[update] my sister 17f slut shamed me 20f
link to previous post .. this is a quick update. so after everything went down i let her cool off. then i called her back after a few hrs and ordered her kfc via zomato. we then later on spoke for a few hrs on call and here is a gist of it.
she asked me why i go out with so many random men i replied that i js wanna enjoy my young years and visit nice places while im at it. she then said i can do that by studying myself to which i replied i am expecting a cgpa of 9.1 this sem so its not like im neglecting studies. she then said i can get a new hobby in the Mean time and that going on adds nothing to your value and it js wastes ur time. honestly this got me thinking a lot.
she asked if i did anything more then just kissing and i embarrassingly told her yes. she almost started crying saying that this is so wrong etc.
she is apparently still hoping ill get back with my ex. she saw my ex as an older brother. she wanted him to teach her french and be a tour guide of sorts if she ever visited france( he was a french national in india). she still imagines both of us getting married even tho we broke up like a year ago. i told her i was over him and so should she. to this she got so defensive saying that my ability to get a good guy has eroded etc.
honestly from the advice i have received from reddit and her i have decided to completely delete my dating apps. i will also message all the guys i was talking to that i wanna end it up and they should move on. the convo with her enlightened me a lot and i am on the path to recovery. ill pick up a new hobby in the mean time like i always wanted to learn how to crochet and maybe ill make myself a cute teddy bear instead of some guy buying me one might keep it as a reminder of my recovery:). thank you everyone so much and yes my sis is the best<3.