The new BT lore's great

Full disclosure, I hadn't planned to get the BT. The rules seemed too bad to warrant wasting my hard earned money on it. But a friend who knew I wanted to dabble into IJ/BW after my KB gifted it to me, and I've started reading it.

And, to my own surprise, the lore is surprisingly great and the narration actually makes the five Orruks warlords (1) look like almost mythical banes on the civilisations of the Mortal Realms and that's only one of the best things about the book.

For starter, it gives an impression of a real Warclans Kultur, with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz truly mixed in stories - sometimes a in a sort of a little hamfisted way - which I like : both get their sections, and even the Bonesplitterz are hinted at still being important (GW is never truly subtle, our favourite naked maniacs will return in the lore someday, I'm sure of it. Changed, surely, but back to us!). I can't wait to read everything, and then do so again to better get an understanding of the depth of Orruk lore !

(1) Five Waaagh! are named, with a shared double page spread :

  • Waaagh! Gordrakk, which is truly depicted as this mythical army of devastation
  • Waaagh! Hornsplitta, the both who first "tamed" Maw-Gruntas - I hope he'll get his own rules someday !
  • Waaagh! Skumdrekk, who is too shaddy and dirty for even hobgrots to be comfortable with
  • Waaagh! Gobsprakk, who still roam Ghur and wants to destroy Exelcis
  • Waaagh! Zoggrok, who seems to have actual siege weapons for the Ironjawz, meaning we can perhaps expect those in a future extension of the range next edition ?

I've only just started the book, but I'm glad to see at least lore wise, it's of a good value. Too pricey for just the lore but still.