I have farmed over 1000 breach stones and here are the results

I have done more than a thousand breach stones and kept record of the most recent 1012 runs. They are almost entirely ilvl 82 breaches.

This post is a continuation of this previous thread in case you have missed. The following results are collective of all 1012 runs.

Experience gain:

Leveled from 94 to 98, only started keeping records midway to 95.

  • 95-96 took 105 runs

  • 96-97 took 249 runs

  • 97-98 took 610 runs

80~% runs are solos, the rest are parties of two to three.

Item drops:

Unique boss drop:

  • Furtive wraps, hand of wisdom and action: 88 (8.70%)

  • Diamond: 132 (13.04%)

  • Garment: 53 (5.24%)

  • Jade amulet: 180 (17.79%)

  • Lapis amulet: 160 (15.81%)

  • Amber amulet: 176 (17.39%)

  • Visceral quiver: 223 (22.04%)

Other notable drops:

  • Raw divine orbs: 22

  • Level 20 skill gems: 12

  • Level 20 spirit gems: 4

  • perfect jewellers: 4

  • And a bunch of high ilevel stuff with top tier mods

Additional comments (to my previous thread)::

  • Please check out the previous thread in case you want to compare the numbers.

  • Proof of the runs (I would provide a google sheet link but there really isn't too much more info than the above summarization)

  • Longest gloves dry streak: 57

  • I stopped using omen of corruption on gloves after their price drop below 5 div

  • Can easily make a profit, but less profitable compare to two weeks ago because high ilvl rares with higher tier mods are tougher to sell now (unless very top end)

  • White bases sell for a decent chunk (breach rings, wand, bow etc.; thank you reddit comment)

  • I mf'ed with 206% rarity for 317 runs, did not notice a significant more div orb drop, did notice more rare items drop however. Eventually i changed back to 0 mf for more white bases

  • exp gain is still probably one of the best for how safe it is, but it's a tiny little soul draining toward the end

  • might do another 1k runs to get to level 99, but for now I want to play some poe 2.