Need help rebuilding my CI Trickster Flicker will minimal changes
A few days ago, I managed to corrupt Resolute Technique to a very well rolled EE, so I sold all my Ice Nova Archmage gears and started building CI Trickster Flicker (Tarekis's). I remember enjoying Flicker during Affliction but maybe it's because I have so much currency that time that I switch from one build to another, This time I had enough time to realize that flicker is not for me. I would like to do a different build with a few changes as possible.
Here's my current POB:
I don't know how to properly configure POB but this is what I came up with.
All my gears are self crafted. I can probably sell the boots for a good amount since I managed to hit T1 on all prefixes.
currently have 50d sitting in my stash to use.