Long story about an in-game and in-universe situation (Spoilers up to early July and for Takemi confidant)

At mid June, I finish the third palace with plans to progress Takemi's Social Link. I reach Rank 7 with her and purchased four SP Adhesive 3s, totaling to a 200k yen purchase, leaving me with about 60k yen left. Later, I realize that I needed Rank 4 Charm to progress further, which I don't have. I then went to Chihaya to start her Social Link.

Surprise surprise, I wasn't able to start it because I don't have enough money to buy her lucky rock (100k yen). No problem, I'll just go into Mementos to farm money- aaaaaaand I only have one request to do if I went at that time. At the time, I didn't think it was worth it to go into Mementos to farm money and fulfill one request, so I pushed that and Chihaya's Social Link back for later.

So during the time between finishing the third palace and the change of heart day, I just spent rainy days in the diner (buying Fruit Tea to increase my charm) and progressing what other Social Links I had (focused on Ryuji, Yoshida, Mishima, Kawakami, and Yusuke). Unfortunately, my money problems meant that I wasn't comfortable with deleting a Persona from my full list just to summon another one to match the arcana of a specific Social Link. Worse still, none of my fusion options led into Personas with said arcanas. Two such Confidants I didn't have matching arcanas for were Kasumi and Akechi, so I pretty much ignored all their requests.

After the change of heart, I finally have a free afternoon where I could go into Mementos to grind money and fulfill three requests (the imposter Phantom Thieves, the Shujin Stalker, and Kawakami's request). The funny thing is that today is literally the day before final exams. I'm planning on going in today and grind as much money as much as I can.

From an in-universe perspective, the last few weeks must've been hilarious. Takemi gets told a bombshell that a patient she deeply cares for has died and Joker just isn't able to comfort or help her at all for weeks, meaning that she's been sitting in her clinic depressed this entire time. Kasumi and Akechi asks Joker to hang out for weeks on end. but their requests go completely unanswered.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Phantom Thieves (especially Makoto) are stressing about finals, only for their leader to tell them that they're about to go into Mementos to fulfill three requests and spend the last day before exams on the grindiest Mementos run yet.

I know I probably could've handled this situation much more efficiently, but I can't take that back now since I don't have a save from before I purchased all the SP Adhesive 3s; the start of my problems. Lesson of the story is: save before you make a huge purchase.