How did y'all quit?
I have been vaping for about 6 months and as someone with health anxiety and a lot of other mental issues like existential ocd its hell on earth.
I picked up vaping as I originally wanted to die and was bed ridden from existential ocd. I lost my job, gave 0 fucks about myself and lived recklessly. I picked it up cos i thought fuck it i dont care anymore and the sad thing is it actually helped me out of a rut and I got my life back on track. That was mainly me pushing through but vaping helped when I was really low, the nicotine calmed me down at first and it got easier from there.
I am a lot better now, ocd is still bad but controllable and I am back in work. This has now lead to me having major health anxiety now that I actually want to live and with me vaping more and more each day I feel like I am dying and have throat cancer. I keep getting really bad acid reflux, my throat closes up, my right side feels incredibly irritated and feels like a lump is there, I feel something when I breathe in on the right and feel like its a tumor in my throat and I constantly feel sick and have a sore throat.
I wanna quit so bad but it hurts so much as when its not around nicotine withdrawal sets off my OCD so bad and I go into a really dark place. I also think that I am already dying and have cancer so why stop now. I hate it, im stuck in a loop. Socially I can't go without it anymore and if I don't have it on my desk then my mental health flares up and I crave.
Have any of y'all been through similar and what helped you to stop? I got no nicotine for one of my devices for social now so I have made a step in the right direction but I use nicotine at home and that's where I am mainly at. I feel like its too late for me now and I don't know what to do anymore is what my brain keeps telling me. I feel like i'm dying. I feel so happy that I am back on my feet and don't want this to ruin it.