Positive arthroscopy experience!

I was scouring r/TMJ leading up to my arthroscopy surgery and was having an anxiety spiral from the horror stories. I'm realizing that we tend to share our hardship experiences sometimes more than successes, so in case this helps anyone, I wanted to share a really great experience I've had this past month after struggling with TMJD my whole life.

My MRI in August said "degenerative joint disease (severe on left side) and bilateral displaced discs without reduction." Was opening at 20 mm. I wore a retainer 24/7 to help with pain and mobility while I met with various OMFS and did research.

The first three OMFS suggested TJR off the bat (see my terror-sticken comment history ha.). One also suggested arthocentesis before TJR. The fourth OMFS said I was a candidate for TJR but should absolutely try arthroscopy first to see how far it could get me. The fifth OMFS agreed with the fourth and is highly experienced so I trusted him. (There's a lot more time and details behind these choices but I won't get too deep into it). I scheduled surgery on Jan. 20th. It took about two hours. He flushed both joints thoroughly with hyaluronic acid. Then he stretched my damaged discs over the condyles, without sutures.

Opening feels smooth as jello and after a month of stretches I am at 32 mm. I start PT with a craniofacial therapist next week to learn more exercises and the goal is 35 mm. I am not in pain and for the first time in my life I am not wearing a retainer at night. Eating and talking normally.

AMAZINGLY my insurance covered the surgery with NO APPEAL necessary. Most mind-blowing!!!!

Anyways... I hope this helps people out there considering arthroscopy or about the have arthroscopy. Happy to dive in deeper with questions in PM.