OHW suggestion: "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol

Hey, so this is my first post on this sub. Been lurking here and watching Todd's content for a while, but this recent Bad Day video got me thinking about other hits that were around the same time. I remember seeing some people in the comments say that "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt is very much of Bad Day's ilk, and others were suggesting "Hey There Delilah" as the third piece in the trifecta. I honestly wouldn't agree myself; I always thought the song belonged more to the "white guy with acoustic guitar" template than the more rock-ish other two songs.

But about Chasing Cars, I find it interesting how it was also a sort of wimpy soft rock song (Wikipedia classifies it as alternative rock but I wouldn't doubt most of its radio play overlapped with Bad Day's). Also much like Bad Day, this song owed a lot of its popularity thanks to TV, in this case the second season finale to Grey's Anatomy. Even the music video has the same drab VH1 color palette that Bad Day has.

As for the band itself, they originated in Dundee, Scotland and had been around since the late 90's as a struggling group with a couple of commercially unsuccessful records under some indie label (apparently to get into nightclubs, they pretended to be Belle & Sebastian, which is amusing). They wouldn't start seeing success in the UK until about 2003 with their third record, with "Run" hitting #5 on the UK Singles Chart. Interestingly, Chasing Cars wasn't even their most successful single over there, with "Single Fire" off the Spider-Man 3 soundtrack hitting #4 (Chasing Cars only hit #6). In the US, however, none of their three other released singles made it past the bottom half of the Hot 100 (Chasing Cars peaked at #5 over here), so they're very much within eligibility. At least two sources have pinned them as one hit wonders and they're listed as such in the Wikipedia list. Apparently, they're still releasing music as recently as last year, though, so they're probably reaching somebody out there.

What do people think of this song, though? I always enjoyed it despite the kinda minimalistic lyrics; the kinda soaring instrumental I can definitely see people getting emotional over back in the day.