How to evangelize to my Muslim family?
I’m a 34F and recently came to the faith last June. I got baptized in August and since then have been developing my relationship with Christ by reading my Bible and praying. Being raised in a muslim household I never felt connected to the Islamic faith. But my mother and stepdad,step sister are devout Muslims (including my extended family) and pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, and read the Quran etc. I worry about their salvation and pray to God that someday they will become believers. For now that seems highly unlikely.
Because I’m new to reading the Bible, I don’t have the confidence yet to convince or say to them that they are worshiping a false god. My stepdad was Christian by name and converted to islam years ago (that’s how him and my mom met). I don’t know if it’s my lack of wisdom or fear of tarnishing my relationship with them that I don’t speak of Jesus to them. It could be both. Sometimes I feel God is disappointed in me that I’m not evangelizing to my family.
Ive been living with my parents since September due to a life change and will move out in April but I’ve openly told my parents that I follow Christ and that I talk to God but my mom thinks it’s crazy and hopes that I’ll eventually return to Islam which is very unlikely.
She hasn’t openly said it, but I know my mom wants to keep from my extended family the knowledge that me and actually my older sister are Christians. I don’t know what to do or how to feel that my whole family will end up in hell for not believing in Jesus as the Son of God. I feel like this will be the biggest test of my life from now on. Any advice would help.