Favorite aspects of badly made adaptations that stuck with you
See sometimes in media, an adaptation of a work will turn out highly questionable as all kinds of things could happen, such as how the adaptation barely did justice to the original work as an adaptation, but there will be some good parts, such as the performance of the actors.
For instance, I really enjoy reading the original Mahou Sensei Negima manga as I can understand why the first anime adaptation gets heavily criticized for how it didn't really feel like a proper adaptation of the original manga, BUT what I like the most about the anime is the dub as for me personally, the thing I enjoy the most about the English dub is how the voice actors used a British accent for some of the characters such as Evangeline as I found that aspect to be a nice little touch as it helps me identify with the manga better since when I read it, I can just picture her character sounding kind of British.