Rant. One cannot purchase tampons or pads in the Istanbul airport inside of security.

I’m at the Istanbul airport- traveling from Abu Dhabi when my period surprised me a week early. This never happens to me.

Im an extremely prepared traveler. I have tampons that are in my checked bag (as I was concerned that on the extremely off chance my period surprised me I may not be able to find tampons in the UAE) (reasoning: most middle eastern owned bodegas in nyc only stock pads)

I have one tampon on me for just such emergencies- but I’ve got an 11hour flight back to the US, and I typically have a pretty heavy first 4 days. This bad boy won’t last me more than 5 hours.

Apparently there are 3 pharmacies OUTSIDE of passport control at this massive airport, and I don’t have time to walk back out of security to find said pharmacies. Nothing in the bathrooms either.

I can buy Prada eyeshadow and get lunch at Salt Bae - but god forbid a lady needs a tampon.

Fingers crossed a kind flight attendant has something she can share. Fingers crossed I don’t bleed through these pants.

Thanks for engaging in my sleep deprived, jet lagged, pms ravings.