Called retentions to give 30 days notice. Revieved pre-contract documents?
I have called retentions to cancel my current contract. We have always just had internet, but at £45 a month for just 250, it was getting very expensive.
As my partner is going to very soon be going onto maternity leave, before the end of this month, we have decided that we would like to add a box where we can record. After telling this to the team, all of my prices were coming out at over £55, closer to £60, so I chose to cancel.
However, the second my phone call was over, I have just received this email with pre-contract documents. Is this a mistake? Or do I now need to phone and sort this out to? It was agreed that my contract would be cancelled on the 3rd April.
Thanks a lot for the help, I am worried a bit that now I need to call and sort this out.