What would you do in this situation

I met this guy from dating app for hookup and I believe he said he loves me on the first night or second night, he even shared how he attempted to suicide and about his life he tried to get to know me. We met in total like 5 times now we didn’t go on date it was just to talk or fuk. I keep telling him I’m not ready for relationship and he was telling me how I’m his girlfriend and doesn’t want me to see other guys and to delete the app. And when I ignore him and don’t text back, I don’t know if he’s being serious or making things up but he told me his kidney is failing and he’ll most likely die in 6 months cause of it, that he’s taking medication for that. And now he’s cutting himself again, he’s cut himself and attempted su€ide in the past and survived. Few days ago he said he consumed whole bottle of pills and like he’s getting dizzy and cutting himself. I asked for his location so I can call 911 and tell them his address but he says I know you’ll call 911. He’s very kind and sweet but I am not ready for relationship, how can I remove myself from his life make him forget about me and make sure he doesn’t k himself. I feel like I should’ve never met up with him after the first night, it’s all my fault he’s doing this to himself. What should I do?