Is The Magicians (TV show & book) a must-have inspiration for Mage: The Ascension storytellers?"

"I'm on my second run of The Magicians TV show, and I absolutely love it. I've been a Mage: The Ascension storyteller since 2002, and this series (along with the book) really hits a lot of my weird fantasy buttons—aliens, demons, fairies, magic, gods, dragons, boozing, and trippy drug-fueled mystical experiences.

The way it portrays magic as something powerful yet costly, hidden yet dangerous, and deeply personal feels like it has a lot of crossover with the themes of Mage: The Ascension. The idea of magicians breaking reality, paying the price for power, and messing with forces beyond their understanding? That’s prime Mage material.

For those who've seen the show or read the books—do you feel The Magicians is a must-watch for Mage players and storytellers? What elements do you think fit Mage the best? Any specific concepts or characters that scream "this is a perfect Mage chronicle" to you?"