Your place of birth often shapes your belief system.

If you're born in India, you're likely Hindu. Born in Indonesia or Pakistan? Likely Muslim. Born in the USA? Probably Christian. Interestingly, wherever you're born, it often feels like your religion is the "right" one, and others are deemed wrong or destined for hell.

The pattern repeats in Zambia:

Southern Province? Likely SDA.

Northern Province? Likely Catholic.

Eastern Province? Likely Reformed Church, Catholic or Anglican.

Born from a JW or SDA family? Then you are the chosen ones, the faithful ones of Jehovah and everyone else is cooked. The narrow path is the way, the ones who castigate the Catholic Church as the Chariot, the one who drinks blood with world leaders.

North Western Province? Likely CMML.

It's interesting how geography can shape and define which God you serve. Wherever you're born, your religion is blindly declared the Absolute Truth, while every other belief is condemned as a lie.