Games of among us have begun! (Please, if you aren't participating, don't comment. The list of included people is in my first post, so only people that participate can comment.)
Note: Vents are also allowed for the impostor. And participants are in THE SKELD MAP, SO THAT MEANS THAT ALL VENTS ARE THE SAME, AND LEAD TO THE SAME PLACE LIKE IN AMONG US.
The round starts. No one wants to be killed, so they begin doing their tasks. As Sebek was doing his tasks in O2, he saw Bark just wandering around. But he didn't really give it that much importance. Others, like Bedroom and Murky, also started doing their tasks, next to each other, in Reactor. Others were doing their tasks.
Just 10 mins later, Murky steps into electrical and sees A DEAD BODY. He also saw the vent close, but not without catching a glance of what seemed to be the killer. He saw.... A HAT, although he didn't see what color.
After reporting, he said that the body was found in electrical and he saw a person with a hat venting away.
(Now this is the part where you guys do your talking in the comments. Talk about ejecting someone out, skip voting, idk, among us stuff.)