I can’t do this anymore…

UPDATE: I was genuinely upset when I made the post, I see now that it was pretty complainy and needlessly provocative. I’ve tried to be receptive to the feedback!

4 out of five reviews will be glowing 5 stars and the next will be 1 star, there is no in between.

People keep complaining about issues they either should have expected or could solve themselves. Complaints for me charging extra for extra services like checking in earlier than the specified window (which i tell them in advance will be extra). complaints about pet hair which is honestly not that bad and my dog is like a bloody feature when you book the place, he’s in the description and there’s a photo of him. Complaints about the room being too hot from people who spend all day with the door shut in the room when all they have to do is turn the central air-conditioning on and leave the door slightly open. Complaints that my “hairy razor” was visible in the bathroom (in a glass next to the sink with the rest of the bench clean). I live here dude, you knew that. You’re paying half the price of a private place.

My listing just got suspended because of “issues” despite a 4.8 star average. Been doing it for six months and have superhost status, but not sure it’s worth the stress. People can just slander you in reviews and you can’t do anything about it.