The razing penalty is killing my desire to play this game.

Seriously who thought it would be a good idea to apply a -1 combat strength penalty for the rest of the game for each city you raze?! This is made even worse by the ai’s city placement tendency to go right against your borders in a crappy location. On top of this, you have a limited number of cities with the settlement limit so you can either keep the shitty ai founded cities which will mess up your planning and add to the settlement cap, or raze them which will give you a significant permanent debuff to happiness and strength. They could easily just remove this penalty or make it only apply to the current era which would make more sense anyway. Why would say America be impacted by Rome razing a settlement thousands of years ago?

Edit: Disregard this post. Apparently the razing penalty does only apply to the current era. Which isn’t mentioned anywhere.