I love my dog way too much it's ruining me

the title was kinda clickbaitey but I really, really wanted to say this because my dog is the light of my life, the most beautiful little fluffer pup ever. it's been 3 years since I had him but holy shit I somehow just fall in love more every day? I loved him when he was a 3 months old pup and I didn't think it'd be possible to love him even more but it's true

he's literally the sweetest boy with the sweetest ever personality and I can't, I love smelling him and hugging him and every time he just moves a little I want to cry because he's so sweet. when he does that little sigh thing I want to cry, when he wags his little tail I want to cry, I'm so πŸ’˜πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’• when he does just about anything

that's all I'm just really overwhelmed and needed to shed these excess emotions😭😭😭