Dad Challenge podcast coverage

This post is not intended to show support for Alicia.

Instead, it is to express my concerns about Dad challenge podcast. In his most recent Dougherty video regarding the mini fridges, he stated that he felt she should throw the mini fridge away because he thought the seal was broken and said if she didn’t throw it in the garbage, she should go to prison. Does he really think that is prison worthy? He has no way to tell by looking at a video if the seal is broken or if there is mold in the refrigerator. And if there was, does that really deserve prison?

He just seems to get worse and worse. He goes after TikTok moms and says they are exploiting their children and then he does the same thing. He says Alicia is making money off of videos by exploiting her children and yet he is making money off of videos of her children also. So is he trying to say it’s wrong for Alicia to “exploit” her children, but it’s OK for him to exploit them?

and he sensationalizes everything.

Am I the only one that has a problem with Josh from dad challenge podcast?

alarm bells ring every time I see one of his videos. In my opinion, He is a big Cyberbully, and an exploiter.

It’s OK to not like what some of the youtube moms are doing, but also not like what he’s doing. He’s not truly speaking for the kids. it appears that his number one priority is making money for himself.