I don’t want to over populate my tank!

I just upgraded from a 10 gallon to a 40 so I’m hoping that means more fish😁

Right now I have 1 giant ramshorn snail, 6 striped Kuli loach , 3 ottos and I have 2 new additions this is where I’m needing advice

I’ve landed myself with 1 albino Cory catfish and 1 Chinese algae eater , my original plan was to have a couple groups of fish . My first question is obviously is that too much? And ifnot can I house different types of Cory catfish together as a group? And lastly I understand that the algae eaters need more tank space than I have at the moment but I’m hoping I can still give him a good life, the internet has made me scared of Chinese algae eaters any tips for him ?