I'm about to pay a woman for sex

This is humiliating but l'm going to he honest I'm a twenty-two year old man and I'm a virgin. I found a girl on Twitter who travels as a prostitute and in a moment of horniness decided to book her toward the end of February (at a hotel). I don't even want to say how much she is charging. Of course l'm getting cold feet because of the price, but mainly cus I feel ashamed. It's embarrassing for obvious reasons, especially trying to hide this from my friends and family. Part of me wants to go through with it but the other half doesn't want my first time to be with a stranger who doesn't give a fuck about me. There's also the possible danger from meeting up with a stranger like this. I know what I did was stupid and I just acted on a sexual urge. I guess I'm looking to be completely convinced not to go through with it. Any advice/help whether it's empathetic or brutal is appreciated