Space ship or $1 trillion dollars.
A magic genie offers you two options.
- A space ship. The ship is run by AI. There is one gauge on the ship, a single dial that reads: Parsecs 0-1,000,000. The dial reads 0 when on Earth, and the ship has a 1,000,000 parsec range. You verbally set a destination, and you instantly arrive at the location. For instance, if you say Europa, you arrive instantly. For some reason, there is only beans and milk to eat and drink. You can't bring food on board. You are allowed to take one passenger and there are 2 space suits.
The AI is benevolent, controls, cleans, and maintains the ship.
You are allowed to take a GoPro camera, but other tech won't work while onboard.
You can't use the ship for financial gain. No renting out rides or shipping items for a profit.
- $1,000,000,000,000 USD.