Would You Risk a One-Day Trip to an Unknown, Habitable Planet Every Year for $10 Billion?

You have an instant travel button that sends you to a random habitable planet somewhere in the universe. Here’s the deal:

Positive Aspects:

  • The planet is 100% Earth-compatible, meaning you can breathe, walk, and exist there normally.
  • You must stay for one full Earth day before instantly returning.
  • Any injuries you sustain on the trip will be completely healed upon your return. No matter how badly you’re hurt, you’ll come back in perfect condition, unless you die there.
  • You can bring three things from Earth, fully funded. For example, a tank with ammo, a high-tech survival kit, a Camper van - whatever you think will help.
  • If you survive, you return instantly and receive $10 billion (after taxes), guaranteed no matter what country you’re in.
  • You’d have access to the best training, equipment, and survival strategies for each mission, allowing you to maximize your chances of survival.
  • You could fund research to figure out how to improve your survival odds long-term.
  • After every 5th trip, you’re given the option to quit. If you choose to end the deal, whatever is left of your wealth at that time is cut in half, but you’re free to live the rest of your life normally.

Negative Aspects:

  • You must repeat this trip every year for the rest of your life, unless you quit after a 5th trip. If you skip a trip, all your money is revoked.
  • You have no idea what’s on the planet. It could be empty, full of alien life, a paradise, or a death trap.
  • Due to the effects of interstellar travel and gravitational time dilation, time may feel different on the planet. It could feel like minutes or even years to you, but exactly one Earth day will pass, no matter what.
  • If you die, you’re dead for real. No respawns, no retries.
  • You cannot transfer this wealth to anyone while you're alive. It only becomes part of your estate if you die naturally either on Earth or on the other planet. If you intentionally end your own life, the money is revoked.

Would you press the button?

What three things would you bring?