Favourite things in Lioden?
We get a lot of gripe posts and hot takes on here, but not a lot of positive ones. I want to know what you ENJOY about the game and community!
I'll go first:
- When people leave those little roleplay comments on my den page describing their king passing through. I don't roleplay but I think its a nice fun little thing to do and am always touched to think that someone went through the effort of leaving a comment (even if it's just copy-pasted).
- Fun fact stud discounts! I do this myself, but I love seeing others do it too. It's a great way to learn a bunch of neat facts and also benefits the person studding by giving them a little bit of SB back!
- When people help eachother out! Super sweet to see people on here offer to send food to feed a struggling pride, SB to get lions back, items to help with breeding, etc. without expecting any sort of repayment, just to be nice.