Is it illegal to stay outside past 9:30 in Mangalore?

Me and my friends ( 2 Females ) were smoking near Sulthan Bathery while enjoying the view of the river. These 2 cops swoops in and starts questioning us about why we’re still out. They check our car and asked for our IDs. We three are grown up adults who does job and this is the only time we get to relax and top of that they were trying to scare us by telling they will inform our parents. Same thing happened when we went to Helipad few months back. Okay I understand about helipad. Maybe something bad happened over there. But is this the way to talk to people? All these drama for bribe. We had to pay 1000 at Helipad and today I had to pay 2000. There is no night life in Mangalore, everything is closed by 10. Is it illegal to chill outside past 9:30?