Add the apps that are available to convert The DNA file into something we can use on other sites like Prometheus isn't available. When will these be available and why not have a download that is given ? We pay for the test and then we have to pay for a monthly subscription and then we have to pay almost additional 100s of dollars for reports that aren't updated and will soon be outdated though we pay monthly for the subscription. There's just so many different limitations to a product that seems to market as way more access to information that it gives. I understand there's the explorer but that really isn't helpful for someone who just wants to be able to read reports instead of searching and digging and going from that AI chat to the explorer. The AI reports are a step in the right direction however they're limited and we didn't make it a February report one and as of right now again not updated. I just really think there should be at least a way to download a usable file like (g)VCF files or exome and WGS or import the data by providing a URL or you can upload your raw DNA file.
It's a bit disappointing when you've invested as much money as we have but then have to fill out so much more money every single month for things that will be out of date unless we pay more money. Feel like most people turn to this test to get insights when they have nowhere else to turn to try to have some ability to take control of what's going on and their bunny and have something that they can show anyone in an effort to be treated respectfully.