My community college is thinking of getting freshwater shrimp. Is my knowledge correct?

Hello all, my local community college is about to get freshwater for the animal science students to raise. I want multiple opinions of people who know what they’re talking about more than me. The information I have so far is that the water temp should be around 78°F-82°F, pH needs to be around 7-8.5. I was also told that we need to have cages, but they are also planning on getting crawlers as well (not in the same tank). Will the shrimp require cages as well? The tank set up is the picture above. Obviously needs a little work done before they get the shrimp.

Hello all, my local community college is about to get freshwater for the animal science students to raise. I want multiple opinions of people who know what they’re talking about more than me. The information I have so far is that the water temp should be around 78°F-82°F, pH needs to be around 7-8.5. I was also told that we need to have cages, but they are also planning on getting crawlers as well (not in the same tank). Will the shrimp require cages as well? The tank set up is the picture above. Obviously needs a little work done before they get the shrimp.