The Joe Rogan podcast is a MOTHER FUCKING FIREHOSE of misinformation. Being skeptical isn't enough.

The LPM(lies per minute) is so much worse than you think. I know he is irritating to listen to, but I challenge you to listen to 10 minutes of any of his podcast from the last year. ANY podcast, and ANY randomly picked 10 minutes. For extra credit, make note of each lie, or flawed thinking you hear in that 10 minutes. See what LPM you get.

I don't think it's possible for a human to listen to it everyday, and not be red-pilled.

Thanks to u/LayWhere for the idea.

Edit: My overall point... I know you know it's bad, but I don't think we all understand just how bad it is. What chance do those that aren't skeptically minded have if they are listening to one lie a minute? On top of that, they can shape their own bubble through their "For You" page, and sticking to just conservative media. I recently engaged with a conservative, and he didn't know who Jared Kushner was.